Jolek.com ships by ground, at flat rate charge across Canada (we do not ship to the USA) for orders below $50.00. We offer free shipping on orders over $100.00. Our regular posted shipping rates will not apply for remote and rural areas. Extra shipping charges are applicable to deliveries to be made in remote and rural areas, special rates will be calculated for these orders on a per order basis.
We use a flat rate of for parcels less than 49.99 lbs. For parcels that are 50 – 69.99 lbs, we charge a base rate and a weight fee of per pound. Anything single unit heavier than 70lbs can not ship via courier. Trucking fees are available on a per order basis for shipping orders weighing more than 70 lbs.
Shipping charges are non refundable in any situation and returned orders for non-deliverable orders or non pickup from courier depots are eligible to restocking charges of up to 50% and shipping charges are non refundable.